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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


abandonGame(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
This is triggered when a player has abandoned a game.
addArmorEnchantment(Enchantment, int) - Method in interface
Used when someone buys a new enchantment with apply == armor.
addBaseEffect(PotionEffectType, int, int) - Method in interface
Used when someone buys a new potion effect with apply == base
addBowEnchantment(Enchantment, int) - Method in interface
Used when someone buys a bew enchantment with apply == bow.
addCategoryMessages(YamlConfiguration, String, String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Add required messages for a shop category to the given yml
addContent(MenuContent, int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.UpgradesIndex
Add content to a menu.
addContentMessages(YamlConfiguration, String, String, String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Add required messages for a shop category to the given yml
addCustomData(ItemStack, String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Add custom data to an ItemStack
addDefaultMessagesCommandItems(Language) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Create missing name/ lore for items: multi arena lobby, waiting, spectating
addDefaultStatsMsg(YamlConfiguration, String, String, String...) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
ADDED - Enum constant in enum class
addMember(Player, Player) - Method in interface
addPlacedBlock(Block) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Add placed block to cache.
addPlayer(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Add a player to the arena
addPlayerBedDestroyed(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
addPlayerDeath(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
addPlayerKill(Player, boolean, Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
addPlayers(Player...) - Method in interface
Add a new member to the team.
addSign(Location) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Add a join sign for the arena.
addSpectator(Player, boolean, Location) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Add a player as Spectator
addSubCommand(SubCommand) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.ParentCommand
Add a subCommand
addSwordEnchantment(Enchantment, int) - Method in interface
Used when someone buys a new enchantment with apply == sword.
addTeamEffect(PotionEffectType, int, int) - Method in interface
Used when someone buys a new potion effect with apply == members
addToEnableQueue(IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Add a custom arena to the enable queue.
addXp(Player, int, PlayerXpGainEvent.XpSource) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
Add some xp to target player.
ADVANCED - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.SetupType
AQUA - Enum constant in enum class
ARENA_ALLOW_MAP_BREAK - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_CONFIGURATION_MAX_BUILD_Y - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_DISABLE_GENERATOR_FOR_EMPTY_TEAMS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_DISABLE_NPCS_FOR_EMPTY_TEAMS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_DISPLAY_GROUP_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_GAME_RULES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_GENERATOR_PROTECTION - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_GUI_ARENA_CONTENT_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_GUI_ARENA_CONTENT_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_GUI_INV_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Arena GUI related
ARENA_GUI_SKIPPED_ITEM_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_GUI_SKIPPED_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_ISLAND_RADIUS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_JOIN_DENIED_NO_PROXY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_JOIN_DENIED_SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_JOIN_VIP_KICK - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Arena join/ leave related
ARENA_LEAVE_PARTY_DISBANDED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_NORMAL_DEATH_DROPS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_RESTART_PLAYER_KICK - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SHOP_PROTECTION - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_SPAWN_PROTECTION - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_SPEC_LOC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_SPECTATE_DENIED_SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_FIRST_PERSON_ENTER_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_FIRST_PERSON_ENTER_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_FIRST_PERSON_LEAVE_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_FIRST_PERSON_LEAVE_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_LEAVE_ITEM_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_LEAVE_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_TELEPORTER_GUI_HEAD_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_TELEPORTER_GUI_HEAD_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_SPECTATOR_TELEPORTER_GUI_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Spectator related
ARENA_START_COUNTDOWN_STOPPED_INSUFF_PLAYERS_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_PLAYING_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_RESTARTING_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_START_COUNTDOWN_CANCELLED_SUB_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_START_COUNTDOWN_CANCELLED_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_START_COUNTDOWN_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_START_COUNTDOWN_SUB_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_START_COUNTDOWN_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_START_PLAYER_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_START_PLAYER_TUTORIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_STARTING_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ARENA_STATUS_WAITING_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Arena status/ status change related
ARENA_TEAM_KILL_DROPS_LOC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_UPGRADES_PROTECTION - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_USE_BED_HOLO - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_WAITING_POS1 - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_WAITING_POS2 - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ARENA_Y_LEVEL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
ArenaDisableEvent - Class in
ArenaDisableEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class
Called when an arena is disabled.
ArenaEnableEvent - Class in
ArenaEnableEvent(IArena) - Constructor for class
Called when an arena is enabled successfully.
ArenaRestartEvent - Class in
ArenaRestartEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class
Called when an arena is restarting.
assignTeams(IArena) - Method in interface
ASSISTED - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.SetupType


BED_DESTROYED - Enum constant in enum class
BED_HOLOGRAM_DEFEND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
BED_HOLOGRAM_DESTROYED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
bedMaterial() - Method in enum class
Get bed with color.
BEDS_DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
BEDS_DESTROYED - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
BedWars - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BedWars.AFKUtil - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BedWars.ArenaUtil - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BedWars.Configs - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BedWars.IStats - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BedWars.ScoreboardUtil - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BedWars.ShopUtil - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BedWars.TeamUpgradesUtil - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
BlastProtectionUtil - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util
BlastProtectionUtil(VersionSupport, BedWars) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.BlastProtectionUtil
BlockRay - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util
BlockRay(World, Vector, Vector, double) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.BlockRay
Constructs a BlockRay instance.
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class
bukkitColor() - Method in enum class
This is usually used for leather armor.
BUNGEE - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ServerType


calculateMoney(Player, Material) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ShopUtil
Get player's money amount
canAutoScale(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Check if an arena can be auto-scaled.
cancel() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.PlayingTask
cancel() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.RestartingTask
cancel() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.StartingTask
canSee(CommandSender, BedWars) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Check if a sender can see/ use the sub cmd
CENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ALLOWED_COMMANDS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
changeStatus(GameState) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Change game status starting tasks.
chat() - Method in enum class
checkWinner() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check winner.
clearArrowsFromPlayerBody(Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
clearForArena(IArena) - Static method in class
clearItems(World) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
cloneArena(String, String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Clone an arena world.
close() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ISetupSession
Close setup session.
colorBed(ITeam) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Color a bed 1.12+
colourItem(ItemStack, ITeam) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Color an item if possible with the team's color
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator - package
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats - package
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels - package
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades
com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util - package com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util
COMMAND_COOLDOWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_FORCESTART_NO_PERM - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_FORCESTART_NOT_IN_GAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_FORCESTART_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_DENIED_IS_FULL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_DENIED_IS_FULL_OF_VIPS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_DENIED_NOT_PARTY_LEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_DENIED_PARTY_TOO_BIG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_GROUP_OR_ARENA_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_NO_EMPTY_FOUND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_PLAYER_JOIN_MSG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_SPECTATOR_DENIED_MSG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_SPECTATOR_MSG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_JOIN_USAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LANG_LIST_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LANG_LIST_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LANG_SELECTED_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LANG_SELECTED_SUCCESSFULLY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LANG_USAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LANG_USAGE_DENIED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LEAVE_DENIED_NOT_IN_ARENA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_LEAVE_MSG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_MAIN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
General commands reply
COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_GAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_NOT_FOUND_OR_INSUFF_PERMS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_ACCEPT_DENIED_ALREADY_IN_PARTY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_ACCEPT_DENIED_NO_INVITE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_ACCEPT_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_ACCEPT_USAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_DISBAND_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_GENERAL_DENIED_NOT_IN_PARTY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_HELP - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INFO_OWNER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INFO_PLAYER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INFO_PLAYERS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INVITE_DENIED_CANNOT_INVITE_YOURSELF - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INVITE_DENIED_PLAYER_OFFLINE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INVITE_SENT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INVITE_SENT_TARGET_RECEIVE_MSG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_INVITE_USAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_LEAVE_DENIED_IS_OWNER_NEEDS_DISBAND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_LEAVE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_PROMOTE_NEW_OWNER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_PROMOTE_OWNER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_PROMOTE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_REMOVE_DENIED_TARGET_NOT_PARTY_MEMBER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_REMOVE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_PARTY_REMOVE_USAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_REJOIN_PLAYER_RECONNECTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_TP_NOT_IN_ARENA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_TP_NOT_STARTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_TP_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
COMMAND_TP_USAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
compareArenaLoc(Location, Location) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Compare two arena locations Return true if same location
compareTo(GameStatistic<T>) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatistic
Comparison for tops.
ConfigManager - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration
ConfigManager(Plugin, String, String) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Create a new configuration file.
ConfigPath - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration
ConfigPath() - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
convertStringToArenaLocation(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Convert string to arena location syntax
convertWorlds() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Convert worlds if it is necessary before loading them.
countTiers() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.UpgradesIndex
createItemStack(String, int, short) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
createParty(Player, Player...) - Method in interface
Cuboid - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region
Cuboid(Location, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.GeneratorType


DARK_GRAY - Enum constant in enum class
DARK_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class
DEATHS - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
DEATHS_FINAL - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
DefaultStatistics - Enum Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats
defaultSword(Player, boolean) - Method in interface
Restore lost default sword.
delete(File) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.FileUtil
deleteWorld(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Delete a world.
Despawnable - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity
Despawnable(LivingEntity, ITeam, int, String, PlayerKillEvent.PlayerKillCause, PlayerKillEvent.PlayerKillCause) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
destroy() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenHolo
This must be called when disabling the generator IGenerator.disable()
destroy() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
destroyBedHolo(Player) - Method in interface
destroyData() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
This only must be called by the arena instance when it restarts.
destroyData() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
This is used to destroy arena data when it restarts.
destroyData() - Method in interface
Destroy team data when the arena restarts.
DIAMOND - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.GeneratorType
DIAMOND_GENERATOR_TIER_II - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
DIAMOND_GENERATOR_TIER_III - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
disable() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Disable a generator and destroy its data.
disable() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Disable the arena.
disband(Player) - Method in interface
dropItem(Location) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
This will drop the item at a given location.
dye() - Method in enum class


eggBridge() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Egg bridge particles
EggBridgeBuildEvent - Class in
EggBridgeBuildEvent(TeamColor, IArena, Block) - Constructor for class
Called when the eggBridge is building another block
EggBridgeThrowEvent - Class in
EggBridgeThrowEvent(Player, IArena) - Constructor for class
Called when a player throw an egg bridge and it starts building
EMERALD - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.GeneratorType
EMERALD_GENERATOR_TIER_II - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
EMERALD_GENERATOR_TIER_III - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
enableRotation() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Enable generator rotation.
END - Enum constant in enum class
When a player comes back from AFK
ENDER_DRAGON - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
EnemyBaseEnterTrap - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades
enName(byte) - Static method in enum class
Get the english for byte as color name.
enName(String) - Static method in enum class
Get the english for material as color name.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
execute(String[], CommandSender) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Add your sub-command code under this method
exists(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Check if a message was set.
EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class
EXPLOSION_FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class


FileUtil - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util
FileUtil() - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.FileUtil
FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class
firstSpawn(Player) - Method in interface
Spawn a player for the first spawn.
foreachBlockInRegion(Location, Location, Consumer<Block>) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
FORMAT_PAPI_PLAYER_TEAM_SHOUT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_PAPI_PLAYER_TEAM_SPECTATOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_PAPI_PLAYER_TEAM_TEAM - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_SPECTATOR_TARGET - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_UPGRADE_COLOR_CAN_AFFORD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_UPGRADE_COLOR_CANT_AFFORD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_UPGRADE_COLOR_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_UPGRADE_TIER_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_UPGRADE_TIER_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMAT_UPGRADE_TRAP_COST - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_ACTION_BAR_TRACKING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_CHAT_LOBBY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
General formatting
FORMATTING_CHAT_SHOUT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_CHAT_SPECTATOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_CHAT_TEAM - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_CHAT_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_DESPAWNABLE_UTILITY_NPC_HEALTH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_GENERATOR_TIER1 - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_GENERATOR_TIER2 - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_GENERATOR_TIER3 - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_BASE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_LOBBY_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_LOBBY_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_LOBBY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_LOBBY_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_ELM_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_ELM_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_ELM_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_ELM_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_SPEC_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_SPEC_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_SPEC_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_SPEC_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_PLAYING_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_ELM_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_ELM_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_ELM_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_ELM_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_SPEC_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_SPEC_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_SPEC_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_SPEC_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN1_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN1_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN1_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN1_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN2_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN2_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN2_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_RESTARTING_WIN2_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_FOOTER_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_HEADER_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_PREFIX_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_STARTING_SUFFIX_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_FOOTER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_FOOTER_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_HEADER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_HEADER_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_PREFIX_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SB_TAB_WAITING_SUFFIX_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_BED_DESTROYED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_DATE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_HEALTH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_NEXEVENT_TIMER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_PREFIX_LOBBY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_PREFIX_PLAYING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_PREFIX_PRESTARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_PREFIX_RESTARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_PREFIX_SPECTATOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_PREFIX_STARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_PREFIX_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_SUFFIX_LOBBY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_SUFFIX_PLAYING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_SUFFIX_PRESTARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_SUFFIX_RESTARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_SUFFIX_SPECTATOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_SUFFIX_STARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TAB_SUFFIX_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TEAM_ALIVE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TEAM_ELIMINATED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_TEAM_GENERIC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SCOREBOARD_YOUR_TEAM - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_FOOTER_LOBBY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_FOOTER_PLAYING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_FOOTER_RESTARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_FOOTER_SPECTATOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_FOOTER_STARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_FOOTER_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_HEADER_LOBBY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_HEADER_PLAYING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_HEADER_RESTARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_HEADER_SPECTATOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_HEADER_STARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SIDEBAR_TAB_HEADER_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SOLO_WINNER_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_SPECTATOR_COLOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_SPECTATOR_TEAM - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
FORMATTING_STATS_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
FORMATTING_TEAM_WINNER_FORMAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages


GAME_END - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
GAME_END_GAME_OVER_PLAYER_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GAME_END_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GAME_END_TEAM_WON_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GAME_END_TOP_PLAYER_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GAME_END_VICTORY_PLAYER_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GAME_WIN - Enum constant in enum class
GameEndEvent - Class in
GameEndEvent(IArena, List<UUID>, List<UUID>, ITeam, List<UUID>) - Constructor for class
Triggered when the game ends.
GameMainOverridable - Annotation Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration
GameState - Enum Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena
GameStateChangeEvent - Class in
GameStateChangeEvent(IArena, GameState, GameState) - Constructor for class
Called when the status of the game is changed.
GameStatistic<T> - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats
Game statistic.
GameStatisticProvider<T> - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats
GameStatsHolder - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats
GENERAL_ALESSIODP_PARTIES_RANK - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CHAT_FORMATTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CHAT_GLOBAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIG_PLACEHOLDERS_REPLACEMENTS_POWERED_BY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIG_PLACEHOLDERS_REPLACEMENTS_SERVER_IP - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ALLOW_FIRE_EXTINGUISH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ALLOW_PARTIES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_GROUPS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_SELECTOR_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_SELECTOR_SETTINGS_SHOW_PLAYING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_SELECTOR_SETTINGS_SIZE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_SELECTOR_SETTINGS_USE_SLOTS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_SELECTOR_STATUS_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_SELECTOR_STATUS_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ARENA_SELECTOR_STATUS_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_AUTO_SCALE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_BEDS_DESTROY_COUNTDOWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_BUNGEE_MODE_GAMES_BEFORE_RESTART - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_BUNGEE_OPTION_BWP_TIME_OUT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_BUNGEE_OPTION_LOBBY_SERVERS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_BUNGEE_OPTION_RESTART_CMD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_BUNGEE_OPTION_SERVER_ID - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT_ITEMS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DISABLE_ANVIL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DISABLE_BREWING_STAND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DISABLE_CRAFTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DISABLE_ENCHANTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DISABLE_FURNACE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DISABLED_LANGUAGES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_DRAGON_SPAWN_COUNTDOWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ENABLE_GEN_SPLIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_ENABLE_HALLOWEEN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_EXPERIMENTAL_TEAM_ASSIGNER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_GAME_END_COUNTDOWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_HEAL_POOL_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_HEAL_POOL_SEEN_TEAM_ONLY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_HUNGER_INGAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_HUNGER_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_COMMAND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_LOBBY_ITEMS_SLOT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_MARK_LEAVE_AS_ABANDON - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_NPC_LOC_STORAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PERFORMANCE_PAPER_FEATURES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PERFORMANCE_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PERFORMANCE_ROTATE_GEN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PERFORMANCE_SPOIL_TNT_PLAYERS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PRE_GAME_ITEMS_COMMAND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PRE_GAME_ITEMS_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PRE_GAME_ITEMS_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PRE_GAME_ITEMS_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PRE_GAME_ITEMS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_PRE_GAME_ITEMS_SLOT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_RE_SPAWN_COUNTDOWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_RE_SPAWN_INVULNERABILITY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_REJOIN_TIME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_RESTART - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SHOUT_COOLDOWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_COMMAND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_SPECTATOR_ITEMS_SLOT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_START_COUNTDOWN_HALF - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_START_COUNTDOWN_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_START_COUNTDOWN_SHORTENED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_STATS_GUI_SIZE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_STATS_ITEMS_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_STATS_ITEMS_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_STATS_ITEMS_SLOT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_STATS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_WAITING_ITEMS_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_WAITING_ITEMS_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERAL_ENABLE_PARTY_CMD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_COOLDOWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_DAMAGE_ENEMY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_DAMAGE_SELF - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_DAMAGE_TEAMMATES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_EXPLOSION_SIZE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_KNOCKBACK_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_KNOCKBACK_VERTICAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_MAKE_FIRE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_FIREBALL_SPEED_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_GAME_END_CHAT_TOP_HIDE_MISSING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_GAME_END_CHAT_TOP_STATISTIC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_GAME_END_SB_TOP_HIDE_MISSING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_GAME_END_SB_TOP_STATISTIC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_GAME_END_SHOW_ELIMINATED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_GAME_END_TELEPORT_ELIMINATED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_AUTO_IGNITE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_BLAST_PROTECTION - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_FUSE_TICKS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_JUMP_BARYCENTER_IN_Y - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_JUMP_DAMAGE_OTHERS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_JUMP_DAMAGE_SELF - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_JUMP_DAMAGE_TEAMMATES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_JUMP_STRENGTH_REDUCTION - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_JUMP_Y_REDUCTION - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_PRIME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_PROTECTION_END_STONE_BLAST - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_PROTECTION_GLASS_BLAST - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERAL_TNT_RAY_BLOCKED_BY_GLASS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_I_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_I_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_I_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_II_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_II_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_II_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_II_START - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_III_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_III_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_III_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_DIAMOND_TIER_III_START - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_I_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_I_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_I_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_II_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_II_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_II_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_II_START - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_III_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_III_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_III_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_EMERALD_TIER_III_START - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_GOLD_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_GOLD_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_GOLD_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_HOLOGRAM_TIER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Arena generators related
GENERATOR_HOLOGRAM_TIMER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERATOR_HOLOGRAM_TYPE_DIAMOND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERATOR_HOLOGRAM_TYPE_EMERALD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GENERATOR_IRON_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_IRON_DELAY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_IRON_SPAWN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_STACK_ITEMS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
GENERATOR_UPGRADE_CHAT_ANNOUNCEMENT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
GeneratorType - Enum Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator
GeneratorUpgradeEvent - Class in
GeneratorUpgradeEvent(IGenerator) - Constructor for class
Called when a generator is upgraded.
get(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Get existing or initialize statistic for given player.
get(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Get existing or initialize statistic for given player.
getA() - Method in class
getActiveTraps() - Method in interface
Get queued traps for a team.
getAddonsPath() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
This is my standard location where to store addons configurations.
getAfkType() - Method in class
Check if player target went AFK or came back
getAFKUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get afk system methods.
getAliveWinners() - Method in class
Get a list of winners.
getAmount() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get the amount of items that are dropped once.
getAmount() - Method in class
Get the amount of xp received.
getAmplifier() - Method in interface
getArena() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get the arena assigned to this generator.
getArena() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
getArena() - Method in interface
Get the team arena.
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
Get arena
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena where happened.
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
Get arena
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
Get arena
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
Get the arena
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in class
getArena() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Coincides with the arena where the player is on.
getArena() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.PlayingTask
getArena() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.RestartingTask
getArena() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.StartingTask
getArenaByIdentifier(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
getArenaByName(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Get an arena by world name
getArenaByPlayer(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Get an arena by a player.
getArenaLoc(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get a location for arena use Use ConfigManager.getConfigLoc(String) (String)} for locations stored using ConfigManager.saveConfigLoc(String, Location) (String, Location)}
getArenaLocations(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get list of arena locations at given path
getArenaName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get used world name.
getArenaName() - Method in class
Get the arena name
getArenaName() - Method in class
Get the arena name.
getArenas() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
getArenaUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
getArmorsEnchantments() - Method in interface
Get enchantments to be applied on armors.
getBaseEffects() - Method in interface
Get list of effects that you gen when you enter the base.
getBed() - Method in interface
Get bed location.
getBedBlock(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
getBedsDestroyCountdown() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.PlayingTask
getBedsTeam(Location) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get owner team of a bed based on location.
getBedWarsCommand() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get bedWars main command
getBlock() - Method in class
Get the built block
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get boolean at given path
getBowsEnchantments() - Method in interface
Get enchantments to be applied on bows.
getBukkitTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.PlayingTask
getBukkitTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.RestartingTask
getBukkitTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.StartingTask
getBuyer() - Method in class
Get the buyer
getBuyItemsList() - Method in interface
Get items
getBwt() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get the team assigned to this generator.
getCategoryContent() - Method in class
Get the shop category content bought.
getCause() - Method in class
Get kill cause
getChatColor(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
getChatColor(String) - Static method in enum class
Get chat color by team color.
getColor() - Method in interface
Get team color.
getColor(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
getCompressedAngle(float) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
getConfig() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get arena config.
getConfig() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ISetupSession
Get arena config.
getConfigLoc(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get a general location Use ConfigManager.getArenaLoc(String) for locations stored using ConfigManager.saveArenaLoc(String, Location)
getConfigs() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
getContentTiers() - Method in interface
Get content tiers.
getCountdown() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.StartingTask
getCountDownTitle(Language, int) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
getCreate(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Get existing or initialize statistic for given player.
getCurrency() - Method in interface
Get tier currency.
getCurrency(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ShopUtil
Get currency as material
getCurrencyColor(Material) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ShopUtil
getCurrencyMsgPath(IContentTier) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ShopUtil
Cet currency path
getCurrentXp(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
getCurrentXpFormatted(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
getCustomData(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get the NBTTag from a BedWars1058 item
getDamage(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get item-stack damage amount
getDeathFinalCause() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
getDeathRegularCause() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
getDefault() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatisticProvider
Default value used when initializing game stats.
getDefaultLang() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get server default language.
getDefaultLanguage() - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get server default language.
getDelay() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get spawn rate delay.
getDespawn() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
getDespawnablesList() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get list of entities that are going to despawn based on a timer.
getDisplayGroup(Language) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get arena display group for given language.
getDisplayGroup(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get arena display group for given player.
getDisplayInfo() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Get command description for subCommands list
getDisplayItem(Player, ITeam) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.MenuContent
Item that represent the item in the GUI.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the arena name as a message that can be used on signs etc.
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
getDisplayName(Language) - Method in interface
Get team display name.
getDisplayPlayer() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.PlayerGameStats
getDisplayStatus(Language) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the display status for an arena.
getDisplayValue(Language) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatistic
Value displayed in tops etc.
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
getDragons() - Method in interface
Get team dragons amount for the sudden death phase.
getDragonSpawnCountdown() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.PlayingTask
getDyeColor(String) - Static method in enum class
getEmeraldGenerator() - Method in interface
getEnableQueue() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Arena enable queue.
getEnchantment() - Method in interface
getEntity() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
getExTeam(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the team where the player has played in current match.
getFadeIn() - Method in class
getFadeIn() - Method in class
getFadeOut() - Method in class
getFadeOut() - Method in class
getFireballCooldowns() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Gets the cooldowns for fireballs
getForCurrentVersion(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
getGameEndCountdown() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.PlayingTask
getGamesBeforeRestart() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Get how many games till the next restart.
getGenerator() - Method in class
Get generator
getGenerators() - Method in interface
Get team generators.
getGeneratorsConfig() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.Configs
Get generators configuration.
getGlass(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
getGlassPane(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
getGlazedTerracotta(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
getGoldGenerator() - Method in interface
getGroup() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get arena group.
getHandle() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Get sidebar lib handle.
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHologramHolder() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get generator hologram holder (armor stand) containing the rotating item.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface
Get category identifier.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatisticProvider
Unique statistic identifier.
getIdentity() - Method in interface
Runtime identifier.
getInt(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get Integer at given path
getInventoryName(InventoryEvent) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get inventory name.
getIronGenerator() - Method in interface
getIslandRadius() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the island radius
getIso() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenHolo
Get language iso associated with this hologram.
getIso() - Method in class
getIso() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get language iso code.
getItem() - Method in class
Get the item entity involved
getItemInHand(Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get in had item-stack
getItemStack() - Method in interface
getItemStack() - Method in interface
Get item stack with name and lore in player's language
getItemStack() - Method in class
Get the itemStack involved
getItemStack() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.EnemyBaseEnterTrap
Trap display item for man gui.
getItemStack(Player) - Method in interface
Get content preview item in player's language
getKillDropsLocation() - Method in interface
Get the location where enemy items are dropped after you kill him.
getKiller() - Method in class
Killer can be NULL (void etc.)
getKillerTeam() - Method in class
getLang(String) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get language with given info.
getLangByPlayer() - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
getLangIso(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get a player language iso code
getLangName() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get language display name.
getLanguageByIso(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get language by iso code.
getLanguageHolograms() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get holograms associated to this generator.
getLanguages() - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get loaded languages list.
getLastDamager() - Method in class
Get the player's last damager, might be null
getLeavingPlayers() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getLevel(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
getLevelsUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get levels methods.
getList(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get list of strings at given path
getList(Player, String) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get a string list in player's language.
getLobbyWorld() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get lobby world name.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get the generator location.
getLoreMsgPath() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.EnemyBaseEnterTrap
Trap lore msg path.
getLosers() - Method in class
Get a list with people who played and didn't win.
getMainConfig() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.Configs
Get plugin main configuration.
getMainLevel() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get main level name.
getMaxInTeam() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get maximum players allowed in a team.
getMaxPlayers() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get maximum allowed players amount.
getMaxY() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
getMembers() - Method in interface
Get alive team members.
getMembers(Player) - Method in interface
getMembersCache() - Method in interface
getMenuContentBySlot() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.UpgradesIndex
getMessage() - Method in class
Get chat message.
getMessage() - Method in class
Get kill chat message.
getMinY() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
getMsg(Player, String) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get message in player's language.
getName() - Method in interface
Get team name.
getName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.ParentCommand
Get parent name
getName() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get config name
getName() - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
getName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.MenuContent
Get identifier.
getName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.TeamUpgrade
getName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.TrapAction
getName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.UpgradesIndex
Get menu name.
getNameMsgPath() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.EnemyBaseEnterTrap
Trap name msg path.
getNewEvent() - Method in class
Get the event that is coming.
getNewLang() - Method in class
Get new Language iso
getNewLevel() - Method in class
Get new player level.
getNewState() - Method in class
getNewXpTarget() - Method in class
Get new xp target to level up.
getNextEvent() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get next event.
getNextEvents() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the list of next events to come.
getNextSpawn() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get seconds before next item spawn.
getOldEvent() - Method in class
Get the event that happened in this moment.
getOldLang() - Method in class
Get old Language iso
getOldState() - Method in class
getOrderedBy(DefaultStatistics) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
getOrderedBy(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
getOre() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get generator ore.
getOreGenerators() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get Ore Generators.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatisticProvider
Plugin provider.
getOwner() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Get adapter owner.
getOwner(Player) - Method in interface
getParent() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Get parent command
getPartyUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get party util.
getPlaced() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
List of placed blocks.
getPlayer() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.PlayerGameStats
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get player
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get player
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player that entered the base
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player that leaved the base
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get player
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get Player
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get player.
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get player
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player that have received new xp.
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get the player who opened the shop.
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class
Get who bought the upgrade
getPlayer() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ISetupSession
Get player doing the setup.
getPlayer() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Sidebar holder.
getPlayerBedsDestroyed(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player beds destroyed.
getPlayerBedsDestroyed(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getPlayerDeaths(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player total deaths.
getPlayerDeaths(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getPlayerFinalDeaths(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player total final deaths.
getPlayerFinalKills(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player total final kills.
getPlayerFirstPlay(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player first play date.
getPlayerGamesPlayed(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player games played.
getPlayerHead(Player, ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get player head with skin.
getPlayerKills(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player regular kills.
getPlayerKills(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getPlayerLanguage(UUID) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
getPlayerLanguage(Player) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Retrieve a player language.
getPlayerLanguage(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get a player language.
getPlayerLastPlay(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player last play date.
getPlayerLevel(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
getPlayerLoses(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player total looses.
getPlayers() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get players in arena.
getPlayers(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Get players count for a group
getPlayerTeam() - Method in class
Get the player team.
getPlayerTeam() - Method in class
getPlayerTeam() - Method in class
getPlayerTeam(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getPlayerTimeAFK(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.AFKUtil
Get the seconds since the player is AFK
getPlayerTotalKills(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player total kills.
getPlayerWins(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.IStats
Get player total wins.
getPlayingTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getPlugin() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
getPrice() - Method in interface
Get tier price
getPriority() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Get show priority
getProgressBar(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
getProvider(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Get statistic provider.
getRegionsList() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getRegistered() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
getRegistered() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.PlayerGameStats
List of registered statistics.
getRenderDistance() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get player render distance in blocks.
getRequiredXp(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
getRequiredXpFormatted(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
Get required xp as string.
getReSpawnLocation() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get re-spawning screen location.
getRespawnSessions() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get list of players in respawn screen.
getRespawnTime() - Method in class
Gets the amount of time until the player respawns
getRestarting() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.RestartingTask
getRestartingTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getRestoreAdapter() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get the restore adapter.
getRomanNumber(int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ShopUtil
Get roman number for given int.
getScoreboard(Player, String, String) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get scoreboard strings.
getScoreboardManager() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
getScoreboardUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Scoreboard options.
getServerType() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get server type.
getSetupSession() - Method in class
Get setup session.
getSetupSession() - Method in class
Get setup session.
getSetupSession(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get active setup session.
getSetupType() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ISetupSession
Get setup type.
getShop() - Method in interface
Get shop keeper location.
getShopConfig() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.Configs
Get shop configuration.
getShopHolo() - Static method in class
getShopUpgradeIdentifier(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get an ItemStack identifier will return null text if it does not have an identifier
getShopUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get shop util.
getShowTime() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get invisibility for armor
getSidebar() - Method in class
getSidebar(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
getSigns() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the join signs for this arena
getSignsConfig() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.Configs
Get signs configuration.
getSize() - Method in interface
Get team current size.
getSlot() - Method in interface
Get content slot in category
getSoundPath() - Method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
getSpawn() - Method in interface
Get team spawn location.
getSpawnLimit() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get the spawn limit of the generators.
getSpectator() - Method in class
Get the spectator
getSpectator() - Method in class
Get the spectator
getSpectator() - Method in class
Get the spectator
getSpectatorLocation() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Where spectators will spawn.
getSpectators() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get a list of spectators.
getStartingTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getStartTime() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getStatistic(DefaultStatistics) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.PlayerGameStats
getStatistic(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.PlayerGameStats
getStatsHolder() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Session stats.
getStatsUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get stats utils.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get arena status.
getStay() - Method in class
getStay() - Method in class
getString(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get string at given path
getSubCommandName() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Get sub-command name
getSubCommands() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.ParentCommand
Get available subCommands
getSubTitle() - Method in class
getSubTitle() - Method in class
getSubTitle() - Method in class
Get first person leave subtitle
getSwordsEnchantments() - Method in interface
Get enchantments to be applied on swords.
getTabComplete() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Manage sub-command tab complete
getTag(ItemStack, String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get a custom item tag.
getTarget() - Method in class
Get the target player
getTarget() - Method in class
Get the target player
getTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.PlayingTask
Get bukkit task id.
getTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.RestartingTask
Get bukkit task id.
getTask() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.StartingTask
getTeam() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
getTeam() - Method in class
Get the team
getTeam() - Method in class
Get the team owing the entered base
getTeam() - Method in class
Get the team owing the exited base
getTeam() - Method in class
Get the player's team
getTeam() - Method in class
getTeam() - Method in class
Get the player's team
getTeam() - Method in class
getTeam() - Method in class
getTeam(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get a team by name
getTeam(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the player's team.
getTeamAssigner() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getTeamColor() - Method in class
Get the block's team color
getTeams() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getTeamUpgrade() - Method in class
getTeamUpgrades() - Method in interface
Get team upgrades location.
getTeamUpgradesUtil() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get shop util.
getTeamUpgradeTiers() - Method in interface
Get list of team upgrades.
getTeamWinner() - Method in class
Get the winner team
getTierCount() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.TeamUpgrade
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
Get first person enter subtitle
getTitle() - Method in class
Get first person leave title
getTotalUpgradeTiers(IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.TeamUpgradesUtil
Get total tiers in team upgrades to be bought in the given arena.
getTrackedPlayers() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Get tracked players.
getType() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Get generator type.
getType() - Method in class
getUpgradeDiamondsCount() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getUpgradeEmeraldsCount() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getUpgradeIdentifier() - Method in interface
Get upgrade identifier.
getUpgradesConfig() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.Configs
Get upgrades configuration.
getUsername() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.PlayerGameStats
getValue() - Method in interface
Get tier level
getValue() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatistic
Current value.
getVersion() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
getVersionSupport() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Get nms operations.
getVictim() - Method in class
Get the Player who died.
getVictimTeam() - Method in class
Get the team who got the bed destroyed.
getVictimTeam() - Method in class
getVoidReplacement(Language) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatisticProvider
Display value for undetermined values.
getWaitingLocation() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Location where to spawn at join (waiting/ starting).
getWinner() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Provides the winner team.
getWinners() - Method in class
Get a list of winners including eliminated teammates
getWool(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
getWorld() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Get the arena world
getWorldName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
getWorldName() - Method in class
getWorldName() - Method in class
getWorldName() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ISetupSession
Get used world name.
getWorldsList() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Get world container.
getXpSource() - Method in class
Get xp source
getYKillHeight() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
-1 won't handle void kill.
getYml() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Get yml instance
give(Player, IArena) - Method in interface
Give content to a player
givePlayerScoreboard(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ScoreboardUtil
Restores user scoreboard based on plugin configuration.
giveSidebar(Player, IArena, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
Send player scoreboard based on conditions.
giveUpdateTabFormat(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Will update tab prefix and suffix for the given player on current sidebar.
giveUpdateTabFormat(Player, boolean, Boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Will update tab prefix and suffix for the given player on current sidebar.
glassMaterial() - Method in enum class
Get glass with team color.
glassPaneMaterial() - Method in enum class
Retrieve glass pane with team color.
glazedTerracottaMaterial() - Method in enum class
Get glazed terracotta with team color.
GOLD - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.GeneratorType
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class


hasNext() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.BlockRay
hasParty(Player) - Method in interface
hasPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Check if player has permission to use the command
hasQuick(Player) - Method in interface
Check if a player has this cc to quick buy
hasStatistic(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Check if given statistic is registered.
hasSubCommand(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.ParentCommand
Check if a parent command has the target sub-command
hideArmor(Player, Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Hide player armor to a player
hideEntity(Entity, Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Hide an entity


IArena - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena
IBuyItem - Interface in
ICategoryContent - Interface in
IContentTier - Interface in
IGenerator - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator
IGenHolo - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator
increment() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.Incrementable
Incrementable - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats
init(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Initialize game session stats for given player.
init(World) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Initialize the arena after loading the world.
INTERACT_BED_DESTROY_CHAT_ANNOUNCEMENT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
INTERACT_BED_DESTROY_CHAT_ANNOUNCEMENT_TO_VICTIM - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
INTERACT_BED_DESTROY_SUBTITLE_ANNOUNCEMENT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
INTERACT_BED_DESTROY_TITLE_ANNOUNCEMENT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
INTERACT_CANNOT_BREAK_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
INTERACT_CANNOT_BREAK_OWN_BED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
INTERACT_CANNOT_PLACE_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Player interact related
INTERACT_CHEST_CANT_OPEN_TEAM_ELIMINATED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
INTERACT_INVISIBILITY_REMOVED_DAMGE_TAKEN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
InvalidEffectException - Exception Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions
InvalidEffectException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions.InvalidEffectException
InvalidMaterialException - Exception Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions
InvalidMaterialException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions.InvalidMaterialException
InvalidSoundException - Exception Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions
InvalidSoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.exceptions.InvalidSoundException
IRON - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.GeneratorType
IRON_GOLEM - Enum constant in enum class
IRON_GOLEM_FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class
isAllowMapBreak() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if breaking map is allowed, otherwise only placed blocks are allowed.
isAllowSpectate() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
isArenaSetupCommand() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Check if it is an arena setup command
isArmor(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if item-stack is armor
isAutoEquip() - Method in interface
isAutoScale() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
isAxe(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if item-stack is axe
isBed(Location) - Method in interface
Check if bed is placed at given location.
isBed(Material) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if bed
isBedDestroyed() - Method in interface
Check if team's bed was destroyed.
isBlockPlaced(Block) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
isBow(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if item-stack is bow
isBukkitCommandRegistered(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if bukkit command is registered
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
Check if the assign was cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in class
Cancel this event
isCancelled() - Method in class
Check if event was cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in class
Check if event is cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
Check if it is cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in class
Check if it is cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCustomBedWarsItem(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if an item has a BedWars1058 NBTTag
isDespawnable() - Method in enum class
isDespawnable(Entity) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Is despawnable entity
isDowngradable() - Method in interface
Check if is downgradable.
ISetupSession - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server
isFinalKill() - Method in enum class
isFirstTime() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Check if the config file was created for the first time Can be used to add default values
isGlass(Material) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if type is a Glass type material
ISidebar - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar
ISidebarService - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar
BedWars scoreboard manager.
isIncrementable() - Method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
isInRegion(Location) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
isInRegion(Location) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Region
Check if location is in region.
isInSetupSession(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Check if a player is in setup session.
isInternal() - Method in interface
isInvisibilityPotion(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if itemstack is Invisibility Potion
isLanguageExist(String) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Check if a language exists.
isLoaded() - Method in interface
Check if tier is loaded
isMember(Player) - Method in interface
Check if is member.
isMember(Player, Player) - Method in interface
isOwner(Player) - Method in interface
isPermanent() - Method in interface
isPermanent() - Method in interface
Check if is permanent content.
isPlayer(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if user is playing.
isPlayerAFK(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.AFKUtil
Check if a player is AFK.
isPlayerHead(String, int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if is a player head
isPlaying(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Check if a player is playing.
isProjectile(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if itemstack is Projectile
isProtected() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
isProtected() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Region
Check if is a protected region.
isProtected(IArena, Location, Block, double) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.BlastProtectionUtil
Check if block is protected by blast-proof glass or an unbreakable block from a point of view
isProtected(Location) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if the given location is protected.
isPvpLogOut() - Method in enum class
isRespawning(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
isReSpawning(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if a player is spectating on this arena.
isReSpawning(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if a player is in re-spawning screen/ countdown.
isShow() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Check if is displayed on the list
isShuttingDown() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
isSpectating(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Check if a player is spectating.
isSpectator() - Method in class
Check if the player has joined as spectator
isSpectator() - Method in class
Check if the player was spectating.
isSpectator(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if a player is spectating on this arena.
isSpectator(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if a player is spectating on this arena.
isStack() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Check if the dropped items can be stacked.
isSword(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if item-stack is sword
isTabFormattingDisabled() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
isTeamBed(Location) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Check if there is a player bed at given location.
isTool(ItemStack) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Check if item-stack is a tool
isUnbreakable() - Method in interface
isWatchingGUI(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.TeamUpgradesUtil
Check if a player is watching the team upgrades menu.
isWorld(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Check if given world exists.
ITeam - Interface in
ITeamAssigner - Interface in
itemByte() - Method in enum class
itemColor(TeamColor) - Static method in enum class
itemStackDataCompare(ItemStack, short) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Item Data compare This will always return true on versions major or equal 1.13


joinRandomArena(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Add a player to the most filled arena.
joinRandomFromGroup(Player, String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Add a player to the most filled arena from a group.


KILLS - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
KILLS_FINAL - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics


l(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get a color translated list.
Language - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language
Language(Plugin, String) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Level - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels
loadArena(String, Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Load an arena.
loadDefaultEffects() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
LOBBY_VOID_TELEPORT_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
LOBBY_VOID_TELEPORT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath


m(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Get a color translated message.
materialCake() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Cake material
materialCraftingTable() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Crafting table material
materialElytra() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get elytra - supports: 1.12.2+
materialEnchantingTable() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Enchanting table material
materialFireball() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get fireball material
materialGoldenChestPlate() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get gold chest plate
materialGoldenHelmet() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get gold helmet material
materialGoldenLeggings() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get gold leggings
materialNetheriteChestPlate() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get netherite chest plate
materialNetheriteHelmet() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get netherite helmet material
materialNetheriteLeggings() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get netherite leggings
materialPlayerHead() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Player head material
materialSnowball() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Get snowball material
MEANING_DIAMOND_PLURAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_DIAMOND_SINGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_EMERALD_PLURAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_EMERALD_SINGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_FULL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Meaning/ Translations
MEANING_GOLD_PLURAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_GOLD_SINGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_IRON_PLURAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_IRON_SINGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_NEVER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_NO_TRAP - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_NOBODY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_SHOUT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_VAULT_PLURAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MEANING_VAULT_SINGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MenuContent - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades
Messages - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language
Messages() - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
minusAmount(Player, ItemStack, int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Change item amount
MONEY_REWARD_BED_DESTROYED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MONEY_REWARD_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MONEY_REWARD_PER_MINUTE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MONEY_REWARD_PER_TEAMMATE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MONEY_REWARD_REGULAR_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MONEY_REWARD_WIN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
MULTIARENA - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ServerType


next() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.BlockRay
This could return similar blocks multiple times.
NEXT_EVENT_BEDS_DESTROY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_BEDS_DESTROYED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_SUDDEN_DEATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_DIAMOND_UPGRADE_II - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
next event related
NEXT_EVENT_DIAMOND_UPGRADE_III - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_DRAGON_SPAWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_EMERALD_UPGRADE_II - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_EMERALD_UPGRADE_III - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_GAME_END - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_SUBTITLE_ANNOUNCE_BEDS_DESTROYED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_SUBTITLE_ANNOUNCE_SUDDEN_DEATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_TITLE_ANNOUNCE_BEDS_DESTROYED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NEXT_EVENT_TITLE_ANNOUNCE_SUDDEN_DEATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NextEvent - Enum Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena
NextEventChangeEvent - Class in
NextEventChangeEvent(IArena, NextEvent, NextEvent) - Constructor for class
normalizeLines(List<String>) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Convert string lines to string objects.
normalizeTitle(List<String>) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Convert an animated string to an object.
NPC_NAME_SOLO_SHOP - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NPC_NAME_SOLO_UPGRADES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NPC_NAME_TEAM_SHOP - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
NPC_NAME_TEAM_UPGRADES - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Upgrades/ Shop


onBedDestroy(Location) - Method in interface
What happens when one of team beds is destroyed at given location.
onBuy(ITeam) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.UpgradeAction
onBuy(Player, ITeam) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.UpgradeAction
Apply action to team.
onClick(Player, ClickType, ITeam) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.MenuContent
Manage what to do on click.
onDisable(IArena) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Unload the world.
onEnable(IArena) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Load the world.
onLobbyRemoval(IArena) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Remove lobby blocks.
onRestart(IArena) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Restore the world.
onSetupSessionClose(ISetupSession) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Unload the world.
onSetupSessionStart(ISetupSession) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
Load the world for setting it up.
onTrigger(Player, ITeam, ITeam) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.TrapAction
Manage what happens on enters .
open(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.UpgradesIndex
Open this menu to a player.
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class


ParentCommand - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command
Party - Interface in
partySize(Player) - Method in interface
PER_MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class
PER_TEAMMATE - Enum constant in enum class
PINK - Enum constant in enum class
placeLadder(Block, int, int, int, IArena, int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
placeTowerBlocks(Block, IArena, TeamColor, int, int, int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
playAction(Player, String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Send action-bar message
PLAYER_DIE_DEBUG_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_DEBUG_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_ELIMINATED_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_EXPLOSION_WITH_SOURCE_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_EXPLOSION_WITH_SOURCE_REGULAR_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_EXPLOSION_WITHOUT_SOURCE_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_EXPLOSION_WITHOUT_SOURCE_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_IRON_GOLEM_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_IRON_GOLEM_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_KNOCKED_BY_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_KNOCKED_BY_REGULAR_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_KNOCKED_IN_VOID_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_KNOCKED_IN_VOID_REGULAR_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_PVP_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_PVP_LOG_OUT_FINAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_PVP_LOG_OUT_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_PVP_REGULAR_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_RESPAWN_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_RESPAWN_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_RESPAWN_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PvP related
PLAYER_DIE_RESPAWNED_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_REWARD_DIAMOND - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_REWARD_EMERALD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_REWARD_GOLD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_REWARD_IRON - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_SHOOT_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_SHOOT_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_UNKNOWN_REASON_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_UNKNOWN_REASON_REGULAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_VOID_FALL_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DIE_VOID_FALL_REGULAR_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_DISCONNECT - Enum constant in enum class
PLAYER_DISCONNECT_FINAL - Enum constant in enum class
PLAYER_HIT_BOW - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_PUSH - Enum constant in enum class
PLAYER_PUSH_FINAL - Enum constant in enum class
Corresponds to FALL on ground.
PLAYER_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class
PLAYER_SHOOT_FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class
PLAYER_STATS_GUI_INV_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
PLAYER_STATS_GUI_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Stats related
PlayerAfkEvent - Class in
PlayerAfkEvent(Player, PlayerAfkEvent.AFKType) - Constructor for class
Called when a Player goes AFK or comes back from AFK.
PlayerAfkEvent.AFKType - Enum Class in
PlayerBaseEnterEvent - Class in
PlayerBaseEnterEvent(Player, ITeam) - Constructor for class
Called when a player enters a team base.
PlayerBaseLeaveEvent - Class in
PlayerBaseLeaveEvent(Player, ITeam) - Constructor for class
Called when a player leaves a team base.
PlayerBedBreakEvent - Class in
PlayerBedBreakEvent(Player, ITeam, ITeam, IArena, Function<Player, String>, Function<Player, String>, Function<Player, String>) - Constructor for class
Called when a bed gets destroyed.
PlayerBedBugSpawnEvent - Class in
PlayerBedBugSpawnEvent(Player, ITeam, IArena) - Constructor for class
Called when a bed gets destroyed.
PlayerDreamDefenderSpawnEvent - Class in
PlayerDreamDefenderSpawnEvent(Player, ITeam, IArena) - Constructor for class
Called when a bed gets destroyed.
PlayerFirstSpawnEvent - Class in
PlayerFirstSpawnEvent(Player, IArena, ITeam) - Constructor for class
Called when a member is spawned for the first time on his island
PlayerGameStats - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats
Player stats container for a game.
PlayerGeneratorCollectEvent - Class in
PlayerGeneratorCollectEvent(Player, Item, IArena) - Constructor for class
Triggered when players collect from generators.
PlayerInvisibilityPotionEvent - Class in
PlayerInvisibilityPotionEvent(PlayerInvisibilityPotionEvent.Type, ITeam, Player, IArena) - Constructor for class
This event is called when invisibility potions are managed by Bed-Wars.
PlayerInvisibilityPotionEvent.Type - Enum Class in
PlayerJoinArenaEvent - Class in
PlayerJoinArenaEvent(IArena, Player, boolean) - Constructor for class
This event is called when a player joins the arena as a player or spectator.
PlayerKillEvent - Class in
PlayerKillEvent(IArena, Player, ITeam, Player, ITeam, Function<Player, String>, PlayerKillEvent.PlayerKillCause) - Constructor for class
PlayerKillEvent(IArena, Player, Player, Function<Player, String>, PlayerKillEvent.PlayerKillCause) - Constructor for class
PlayerKillEvent.PlayerKillCause - Enum Class in
PlayerLangChangeEvent - Class in
PlayerLangChangeEvent(Player, String, String) - Constructor for class
Called when a Player changes his language
PlayerLeaveArenaEvent - Class in
PlayerLeaveArenaEvent(Player, IArena) - Constructor for class
PlayerLeaveArenaEvent(Player, IArena, Player) - Constructor for class
Called when a player leaves the arena.
PlayerLevelUpEvent - Class in
PlayerLevelUpEvent(Player, int, int) - Constructor for class
Called when a player levels up.
PlayerReJoinEvent - Class in
PlayerReJoinEvent(Player, IArena, int) - Constructor for class
Called when a player re-joins the arena.
PlayerReSpawnEvent - Class in
PlayerReSpawnEvent(Player, IArena, ITeam) - Constructor for class
Called when a member is re-spawned on his island This is called about 5 seconds after PlayerRespawnEvent from Bukkit After the respawn countdown.
PlayerSidebarInitEvent - Class in
PlayerSidebarInitEvent(Player, ISidebar) - Constructor for class
PlayerXpGainEvent - Class in
PlayerXpGainEvent(Player, int, PlayerXpGainEvent.XpSource) - Constructor for class
Called when a player receives new xp.
PlayerXpGainEvent.XpSource - Enum Class in
Lets you know why did the player received new xp.
playing - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.GameState
PlayingTask - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks
playRedStoneDot(Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
playSound() - Method in class
Checks if the killer gets the kill sound
playVillagerEffect(Player, Location) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
PLUGIN_TAG_GENERIC_KEY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
PLUGIN_TAG_TIER_KEY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
PREFIX - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
promote(Player, Player) - Method in interface
PVP - Enum constant in enum class
PVP_FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class


RED - Enum constant in enum class
refresh() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.entity.Despawnable
refreshHealth() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
Refresh player healths.
refreshPlaceholders() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
Refresh placeholders on all sidebars.
refreshPlaceholders(IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
Refresh placeholders for sidebars in a given arena;
refreshSigns() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Refresh signs.
refreshTabList() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
Refresh all tab-list header and footer strings for every sidebar.
refreshTitles() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
Refresh title on all scoreboards.
Region - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region
register(GameStatisticProvider<?>) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Register statistic.
registerCommand(String, Command) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Register a new command as bukkit command
registerEntities() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Register custom entities
registerPersistentPlaceholder(PlaceholderProvider) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Register a placeholder that is not going to be removed trough game state changes.
registerStatistic(String, GameStatistic<?>) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.PlayerGameStats
registerTntWhitelist(float, float) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Modify block blast resistance.
registerVersionListeners() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
REGULAR_KILL - Enum constant in enum class
reJoin(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Rejoin an arena
reJoin(Player) - Method in interface
Rejoin a team.
reJoin(Player, int) - Method in interface
Rejoin a team.
REJOIN_ALLOWED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
REJOIN_DENIED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
REJOIN_NO_ARENA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
reload() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Reload configuration.
relocate(String, String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
remove(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebarService
Remove a player scoreboard.
removeArenaByName(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
removeArenaByPlayer(Player, IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class
removeFromEnableQueue(IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Remove an arena from the enable queue.
removeFromParty(Player) - Method in interface
removePlacedBlock(Block) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Remove placed block.
removePlayer(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Remove a player from the arena
removePlayer(Player, Player) - Method in interface
removePlayerScoreboard(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ScoreboardUtil
Removes bed-wars sidebar for the given player.
removeSpectator(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Remove a spectator from the arena
removeWatchingUpgrades(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.TeamUpgradesUtil
Remove from upgrades GUI.
respawnMember(Player) - Method in interface
Respawn a member.
restart() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Restart the arena.
restarting - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.GameState
RestartingTask - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks
RestoreAdapter - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server
RestoreAdapter(Plugin) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.RestoreAdapter
rotate() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
This method is called every tick to manage the block rotation.


save() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Save config changes to file
saveArenaLoc(String, Location) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Save a location for arena use
saveConfigLoc(String, Location) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Save a general location to the config.
saveIfNotExists(String, Object) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Save a value to file if not exists.
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_HEALTH_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_HEALTH_IN_TAB - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_HEALTH_REFRESH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_LIST_FORMAT_LOBBY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_LIST_FORMAT_PLAYING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_LIST_FORMAT_RESTARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_LIST_FORMAT_STARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_LIST_FORMAT_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_LIST_REFRESH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_PLACEHOLDERS_REFRESH_INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_TITLE_REFRESH_INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_USE_GAME_SIDEBAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_USE_LOBBY_SIDEBAR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_TAB_HEADER_FOOTER_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SB_CONFIG_TAB_HEADER_FOOTER_REFRESH_INTERVAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_PLAYING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_PLAYING_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_PLAYING_SPEC_ELIMINATED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_RESTARTING_LOSER - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_RESTARTING_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_RESTARTING_WIN1 - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_RESTARTING_WIN2 - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_STARTING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_STARTING_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_WAITING - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_DEFAULT_WAITING_SPEC - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SCOREBOARD_LOBBY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
Scoreboard related
sendArmor(Player) - Method in interface
Equip a player with default armor.
sendDefaultInventory(Player, boolean) - Method in interface
Gives the start inventory
sendDiamondsUpgradeMessages() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Show upgrade announcement to players.
sendEmeraldsUpgradeMessages() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Show upgrade announcement to players.
sendLobbyCommandItems(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
This will give the lobby items to the player.
sendPlayerSpawnPackets(Player, IArena) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
This will send the player spawn packet after a player re-spawn.
sendPreGameCommandItems(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
This will give the pre-game command Items.
sendSpectatorCommandItems(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
This will give the spectator command Items.
sendSubCommands(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.ParentCommand
Send sub-commands list to a player This includes subCommands with showInList true only He can see only commands which he have permission
sendTitle(Player, String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Send title, subtitle.
ServerType - Enum Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server
set(String, Object) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Set data to config
setAllowMapBreak(boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Toggle map block break rule.
setAllowSpectate(boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
setAmount(int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Set how many items should the generator spawn at once.
setArenaByName(IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
setArenaByPlayer(Player, IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Set an arena by player if the player is in this arena.
setArenaSetupCommand(boolean) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
True if it is an arena setup sub-command
setAutoEquip(boolean) - Method in interface
setBedDestroyed(boolean) - Method in interface
This will also disable team generators if true.
setBlockTeamColor(Block, TeamColor) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Set block data For 1.13 support
setBuyItemsList(List<IBuyItem>) - Method in interface
Set list of items that you receive on buy.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Cancel/ Allow the assign event
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Cancel event
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Change value
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Change value
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Cancel event.
setCollide(Player, IArena, boolean) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Disable collisions in 1.9+
setContent(List<String>, List<String>, IArena) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.sidebar.ISidebar
Set sidebar content.
setCountdown(int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks.StartingTask
setCurrency(Material) - Method in interface
Set tier currency.
setDefaultLanguage(Language) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Change server default language.
setDelay(int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Change item spawn delay.
setDisplayInfo(TextComponent) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
This is the command information in the subCommands list of the target parent
setDragons(int) - Method in interface
Set a team dragons amount for the sudden death phase.
setEggBridgeEffect(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
setEmeraldGenerator(IGenerator) - Method in interface
setFadeIn(int) - Method in class
setFadeIn(int) - Method in class
setFadeOut(int) - Method in class
setFadeOut(int) - Method in class
setFireballDirection(Fireball, Vector) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Make fireball go straight.
setGamesBeforeRestart(int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Set how many games to the next serve restart.
setGroup(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in interface
setItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Set tier preview item.
setJoinSignBackground(BlockState, Material) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Change the block behind the join sign.
setJoinSignBackgroundBlockData(BlockState, byte) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Set block data For versions before 1.13
setKillDropsLocation(Vector) - Method in interface
Change the location where to drop items after you kill an enemy.
setKillerTeam(ITeam) - Method in class
setLevel(Player, int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
Set player level.
setLevelAdapter(Level) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
setMainLevel(String, VersionSupport) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.FileUtil
setMaxY(int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
setMessage(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
Set chat message.
setMessage(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
Set chat message.
setMinY(int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
setName(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Change internal name.
setNextEvent(NextEvent) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Set next event for the arena.
setNextSpawn(int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Set the remaining time till the next item spawn.
setOre(ItemStack) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Change the item that this generator will spawn.
setPartyAdapter(Party) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Change the party interface.
setPermanent(boolean) - Method in interface
setPermission(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Set permission for sub-command
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class
setPlayerAFK(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.AFKUtil
Set a player afk.
setPlayerLanguage(UUID, String) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Change a player language and refresh scoreboard and custom join items.
setPlaySound(boolean) - Method in class
Set if the killer should get the kill sound
setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Set chat prefix.
setPrefixStatic(String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
setPrice(int) - Method in interface
Set tier price.
setPriority(int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
This is the command priority in the sub-commands list You may use this method if you set showInList true Commands with a minor number will be displayed first
setProtect(boolean) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.region.Cuboid
setRespawnTime(int) - Method in class
Sets the amount of time until the player respawns
setRestoreAdapter(RestoreAdapter) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars
Change the arena restore adapter.
setShopUpgradeIdentifier(ItemStack, String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Set an upgrade identifier
setSidebar(ISidebar) - Method in class
setSource(TNTPrimed, Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Set tnt source
setSpawnLimit(int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
This is the limit when the generator will stop spawning new items until they are collected.
setStack(boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Should the dropped items be stacked?
setStatus(GameState) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Set game status without starting stats.
setStay(int) - Method in class
setStay(int) - Method in class
setSubTitle(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
setSubTitle(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
Set first person enter title and subtitle.
setSubTitle(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
setTag(ItemStack, String, String) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
setTeamAssigner(ITeamAssigner) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
setTierName(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenHolo
Set tier hologram display text.
setTimerName(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenHolo
Set timer hologram display text.
setTitle(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
setTitle(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
Get first person enter title
setTitle(Function<Player, String>) - Method in class
setType(GeneratorType) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Set generator type.
setUnbreakable(boolean) - Method in interface
setUnbreakable(ItemMeta) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Make item unbreakable.
setupCustomStatsMessages() - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Save messages for unset stats items.
SetupSessionCloseEvent - Class in
SetupSessionCloseEvent(ISetupSession) - Constructor for class
Called when the owner closed the arena setup.
SetupSessionStartEvent - Class in
SetupSessionStartEvent(ISetupSession) - Constructor for class
Called when the owner started setting up a new arena.
SetupType - Enum Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server
setupUnSetCategories() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Language
Create messages paths for new shop categories
setVictimTeam(ITeam) - Method in class
setWatchingGUI(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.TeamUpgradesUtil
Set a player watching the team upgrades menu.
setWorldName(String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Change world name for auto-scaling.
setXp(Player, int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.levels.Level
Set player xp.
SHARED - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ServerType
SHOP_ALREADY_BOUGHT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CAN_BUY_COLOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CANT_BUY_COLOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CATEGORY_CONTENT_CONTENT_SLOT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_CONTENT_CONTENT_TIERS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_CONTENT_IS_DOWNGRADABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_CONTENT_IS_PERMANENT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_CONTENT_IS_UNBREAKABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_CONTENT_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_CONTENT_WEIGHT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_INVENTORY_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CATEGORY_ITEM_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_ITEM_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_ITEM_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_ITEM_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CATEGORY_ITEM_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CATEGORY_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CATEGORY_SLOT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_BUY_CMDS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_BUY_ITEMS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_ITEM_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_ITEM_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_ITEM_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_ITEM_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_ITEM_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_SETTINGS_COST - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_CONTENT_TIER_SETTINGS_CURRENCY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_INDEX_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_INSUFFICIENT_MONEY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_LORE_QUICK_ADD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_LORE_QUICK_REMOVE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_LORE_STATUS_ARMOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_LORE_STATUS_CAN_BUY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_LORE_STATUS_CANT_AFFORD - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_LORE_STATUS_MAXED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_NEW_PURCHASE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_PATH_CATEGORY_ARMOR - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_PATH_CATEGORY_BLOCKS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_PATH_CATEGORY_MELEE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_PATH_CATEGORY_POTIONS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_PATH_CATEGORY_RANGED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_PATH_CATEGORY_TOOLS - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_PATH_CATEGORY_UTILITY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_QUICK_ADD_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_QUICK_BUY_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_QUICK_BUY_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_QUICK_DEFAULTS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_QUICK_EMPTY_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_QUICK_EMPTY_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_SEPARATOR_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_SEPARATOR_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_SETTINGS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_BUTTON_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_BUTTON_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_BUTTON_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_BUTTON_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_CATEGORY_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_EMPTY_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_EMPTY_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_EMPTY_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_EMPTY_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_QUICK_BUY_EMPTY_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_REGULAR_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_REGULAR_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_REGULAR_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_REGULAR_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_REGULAR_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_SELECTED_AMOUNT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_SELECTED_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_SELECTED_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_SELECTED_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SETTINGS_SEPARATOR_SELECTED_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_IRON_GOLEM_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_IRON_GOLEM_DESPAWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_IRON_GOLEM_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_IRON_GOLEM_HEALTH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_IRON_GOLEM_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_IRON_GOLEM_SPEED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_SILVERFISH_DAMAGE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_SILVERFISH_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_SILVERFISH_DESPAWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_SILVERFISH_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_SILVERFISH_HEALTH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_SILVERFISH_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_SILVERFISH_SPEED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_TOWER_ENABLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIAL_TOWER_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_SPECIALS_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SHOP_UTILITY_NPC_IRON_GOLEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
SHOP_UTILITY_NPC_SILVERFISH_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
ShopBuyEvent - Class in
ShopBuyEvent(Player, IArena, ICategoryContent) - Constructor for class
Triggered when a player buys from the shop
ShopBuyEvent(Player, ICategoryContent) - Constructor for class
ShopHolo - Class in
ShopHolo(String, ArmorStand, ArmorStand, Location, IArena) - Constructor for class
ShopOpenEvent - Class in
ShopOpenEvent(Player) - Constructor for class
ShopOpenEvent(Player, IArena) - Constructor for class
Triggered when the shop NPS is clicked.
showArmor(Player, Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Show a player armor
showInList(boolean) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Display the sub-command under the main command Don't forget to set the displayInfo Ops only will see it cuz players receive a commands list from messages file
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_PLAYING_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_PLAYING_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_RESTARTING_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_RESTARTING_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_STARTING_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_STARTING_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_WAITING_DATA - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SIGNS_STATUS_BLOCK_WAITING_MATERIAL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SILVERFISH - Enum constant in enum class
SILVERFISH_FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class
SOUND_GAME_START - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SOUNDS_BED_DESTROY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SOUNDS_BED_DESTROY_OWN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SOUNDS_BOUGHT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SOUNDS_COUNTDOWN_TICK - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SOUNDS_COUNTDOWN_TICK_X - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SOUNDS_INSUFF_MONEY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
SOUNDS_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
spawn() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
This will attempt to spawn the items every second.
spawnDragon(Location, ITeam) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Spawn ender dragon
spawnIronGolem(Location, ITeam, double, double, int) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Spawn a iron-golem for a team
spawnNPCs() - Method in interface
Spawn shopkeepers for target team (if enabled).
spawnShop(Location, String, List<Player>, IArena) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Spawn shop NPC
spawnSilverfish(Location, ITeam, double, double, int, double) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Spawn silverfish for a team
SpectatorFirstPersonEnterEvent - Class in
SpectatorFirstPersonEnterEvent(Player, Player, IArena, Function<Player, String>, Function<Player, String>) - Constructor for class
Called when a spectator enters the first person spectating system.
SpectatorFirstPersonLeaveEvent - Class in
SpectatorFirstPersonLeaveEvent(Player, IArena, Function<Player, String>, Function<Player, String>) - Constructor for class
SpectatorTeleportToPlayerEvent - Class in
SpectatorTeleportToPlayerEvent(Player, Player, IArena) - Constructor for class
Called when the spectator uses the player selector to teleport and spectate the selected player.
spigotHidePlayer(Player, Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
spigotShowPlayer(Player, Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
START - Enum constant in enum class
When a player goes AFK
starting - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.GameState
StartingTask - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.tasks
startReSpawnSession(Player, int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Put a player in re-spawning countdown.
stringLocationArenaFormat(Location) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Convert a location to an arena location syntax
stringLocationConfigFormat(Location) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigManager
Convert a location to a string for general use Use ConfigManager.stringLocationArenaFormat(Location) for arena locations
SubCommand - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command
SubCommand(ParentCommand, String) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.command.SubCommand
Create a sub-command for a bedWars command Make sure you return true or it will say command not found


takeMoney(Player, Material, int) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ShopUtil
Take money from player on buy
TEAM_ELIMINATED_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
TEAM_NAME_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.configuration.ConfigPath
TeamAssignEvent - Class in
TeamAssignEvent(Player, ITeam, IArena) - Constructor for class
Called for each player when the waiting countdown == 0 You can cancel each team assign event in order to manage them yourself but make sure to set BedWarsTeam#setBedDestroyed(false) if teams are marked as eliminated when they are not, and use BedWarsTeam#firstSpawn(p) to spawn them.
TeamColor - Enum Class in
TeamEliminatedEvent - Class in
TeamEliminatedEvent(IArena, ITeam) - Constructor for class
Called when all player on a team get killed and Bed is broken.
TeamEnchant - Interface in
TeamUpgrade - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades
teleportPlayer() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ISetupSession
Teleport player target world.
toString() - Method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
TrapAction - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades
trigger(ITeam, Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades.EnemyBaseEnterTrap
What to do on trigger.


UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN_FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class
unregisterPlayer(UUID) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.GameStatsHolder
Remove player tracked data.
unzipFileIntoDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.ZipFileUtil
update() - Method in class
updateForAll() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenHolo
Hide hologram for all players using a different language than this hologram.
updateForPlayer(Player, String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenHolo
Hide hologram for target player if is using a different language.
updateForPlayer(Player, String) - Method in class
updateHolograms(Player, String) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
This will hide generator holograms with a different iso.
updateNextEvent() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
This will attempt to upgrade the next event if it is the case.
updateSpectatorCollideRule(Player, boolean) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.IArena
Disable spectator collisions.
upgrade() - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.IGenerator
Manage what to do when the generator upgrade is called from IArena.updateNextEvent()
UpgradeAction - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades
UpgradeBuyEvent - Class in
UpgradeBuyEvent(TeamUpgrade, Player, ITeam) - Constructor for class
Called when a Team Upgrade is bought
UPGRADES_BASE_TRAP_ITEM_LORE_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_BASE_TRAP_ITEM_NAME_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_CATEGORY_GUI_NAME_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_CATEGORY_ITEM_LORE_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_CATEGORY_ITEM_NAME_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_LORE_REPLACEMENT_CLICK_TO_BUY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_LORE_REPLACEMENT_INSUFFICIENT_MONEY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_LORE_REPLACEMENT_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_LORE_REPLACEMENT_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_MENU_GUI_NAME_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_SEPARATOR_ITEM_LORE_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_SEPARATOR_ITEM_NAME_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_CUSTOM_MSG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_CUSTOM_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_CUSTOM_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_DEFAULT_MSG - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_DEFAULT_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_DEFAULT_TITLE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_QUEUE_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_SLOT_ITEM_LORE1_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_SLOT_ITEM_LORE2_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_TRAP_SLOT_ITEM_NAME_PATH - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_UPGRADE_BOUGHT_CHAT - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_UPGRADE_TIER_ITEM_LORE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UPGRADES_UPGRADE_TIER_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
UpgradesIndex - Interface in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.upgrades


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.GameState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.GeneratorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ServerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.SetupType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.GameState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.generator.GeneratorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.NextEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.stats.DefaultStatistics
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.ServerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.SetupType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VersionSupport - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server
VersionSupport(Plugin, String) - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
vipJoin(Player) - Method in interface com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.BedWars.ArenaUtil
Check if a player has vip join.
VOID - Enum constant in enum class
VOID_FINAL_KILL - Enum constant in enum class
voidKill(Player) - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Void damage with cause


waiting - Enum constant in enum class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.arena.GameState
wasMember(UUID) - Method in interface
Check if target has played in this match.
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class
woolMaterial() - Method in enum class
Get wool with team color.
woolMaterial() - Method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.server.VersionSupport
Wool material


XP_REWARD_BED_DESTROY - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
XP_REWARD_FINAL_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
XP_REWARD_PER_MINUTE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
XP_REWARD_PER_TEAMMATE - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
XP_REWARD_REGULAR_KILL - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages
XP_REWARD_WIN - Static variable in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.language.Messages


YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class


zipDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.ZipFileUtil
ZipFileUtil - Class in com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util
ZipFileUtil() - Constructor for class com.andrei1058.bedwars.api.util.ZipFileUtil
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